Thursday, 20 March 2008

Car-free means care-free

I can't tell you how exhilerating it feels to pedal off to school, my daughter tagging along behind, her book bag and lunch box in the basket on the front of my bike, and the car resolutely left on the drive. Fresh air, exercise, and a new perspective on the world are so easily accessible on a bike, and it is infinitely pleasing to leave the car at home. I read a statistic the other day that people who cycle regularly are 50% less likely to suffer from depression. There's such a feeling of freedom, and it is so easy to connect to other people by shouting out a greeting as you shoot past. People say things like "That's lovely to see", or, commenting on my daughter's tag-along bike, "That's the way to travel"! It really brings a smile to my face.

As a result, our school run has been transformed. Rather than bundling grumpy children into the car on the last minute, angrily driving round to school cursing our constant lack of punctuality and using far more diesel and far less safety-consciousness than driving calmly, the school journey is now so much more fun: the kids can't wait to get outside and I represent far less of a threat on the road.

My son goes ahead on his scooter, and when we get to school we meet him in the playground and he gives me the scooter to bring home with me. (Unfortunately the school doesn't have enough space to store bikes and scooters during the school day.) I had to dig out a large rucksack to carry the scooter home, and the only downside is that this gives me a bit of neck and shoulder ache. But then again, so does persistent hunching over a steering wheel. I just have to choose.

SO enthusiastic am I about being on my bike that I started oggling a bike trailer somebody had the other day. Ooh - the things I could get in that and pull around with me! A little while ago I heard about a chap here in Swindon who used his bike trailer to transport his old fridge to the domestic recycling centre. I am in awe.

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